Friday, December 18, 2009

A Long Absence

It’s been months. I turn my computer on every day and I think that I should possibly update this blog, but then that is immediately followed by the thought to leave it until tomorrow. Now I find myself in December, without a word since September. Shame on me.

I could give the excuse that I’ve been too busy to sit down and offer up the Reader’s Digest version of my life at Oglethorpe thus far, but that would be a lie. As full as my schedule is, I have time to breathe, to take naps, to just sit in a room with my friends and just chill without the need to do something else. Occasionally, I’ll even get myself a meal. But now that I am home I have no excuses, and since my pride won’t allow me to give up on this blog, here I am. I know what my New Year’s Resolution will be.

But on to the synopsis, which could really be summed up in one word: change. I’ve changed a lot. It’s to be expected when I pack myself up and ship off to a small liberal arts college nobody has ever heard of. And generally, I like the person I’ve become. I love where I am. I love what I’m doing. I love the people I’m with. I’m lucky I found the perfect fit. It is a place where I can truly be myself and not feel like I have to suppress certain aspects of my personality to please certain people. That is truly a blessing.

When I compare my short college experience to the one I had in high school, I notice the stark difference. I notice the tepid high school friendships where I felt like I didn’t quite fit in and I tried too hard. I notice the lack of motivation I had for my schoolwork and how I buried myself in extracurriculars because that’s where I felt most comfortable. I notice how reserved I was, how quiet around most people I became because I was just so different; not that they knew. But at Oglethorpe, I not only have a close group of friends I can share everything with, but I have lots of friends from different areas which mix together. It’s one of those wonderful instances where I never have to worry about sitting alone at meal times because there is always someone to sit with. I’m actually in classes I want to be in, classes that interest me and make me want to learn and to read more. But not only can I throw myself into theatre and choir and my writing like I used to, I also am involved in a sorority, something I never thought I would do.

That was a rather general and simplified overview of my experience thus far. My brain is fuzzy from catching up on all the sleep I lost over the semester. It’s nice to sit in bed and just vegetate sometimes. I’ve been spending my day reminiscing on the past four months and learning the words to Savage Garden’s “I Want You.” Which was a success, if you were wondering.

And now, for a more specific synopsis:

Polishing the turtle. No more going to sleep earlier than midnight. Museum. Movie parties in various dorm rooms. Joining Sigma. Frat parties every weekend. UNO. “I’m hiding cigarettes in my lungs.” Singleness. Finding my group of best friends. Road ramblin’. Chalking in a park. Skip-Bo in McDonald’s. Sigma Retreat. The public debate over which SEC team should win. One-Act Play Festival. Big Sister. Halloween. Naked Shakespeare. Singers Concert. Boxer Rebellion. Initiation! Trader Joe’s. Joshua Radin with sisters and the Swedish Fish. Super Trivia @ Dave and Buster’s. Jingle Ball. Choephorii. Moon Over Buffalo road trip. Pong-along. Thanksgiving Break. Chi Phi Beddy Byes. Dead Day’s Eve. Seamen. Boar’s Head. Baking cookies at 2 in the morning. JSJ. Karaoke. Going through the McDonald’s Drive-Thru backwards. Playwriting Final. Ice Skating. French Final. Birmingham.

Most likely none of that will make sense. But remembering all of it makes me smile. It reminds me of home.

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