Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ah, College

I've only just realized how neglectful I have been to this blog. Strange how college does that to you...I arrived here only last week and have been busy with something every day since then. When I was in high school I always imagined college students had ample amounts of time on their hands to spend how they liked. Now I see that the time spent in class is prioritized in a number of different ways: sleeping, eating, studying, socializing. For the most part, that seems to be the correct order of importance. I find it so funny. The noise outside my door is always in flux depending on the time of day. But I can handle it.

And I suppose I am expected to elaborate on what life is like on this little Oglethorpe campus. I'm going to say that I love it. The nervous anticipation before I arrived had cast a little doubt on my decision to attend, but now I'm happy to say that I am now comfortably settled in with plenty of new friends and am having lots of fun. That sounded like a postcard letter, didn't it?

So I guess I'll start from the beginning:

Orientation was extremely exhausting. We woke up at 7 and got back to the dorms at 11. Our days were full of cemetery clean-ups, dance parties, ice breakers, and lots of awkward moments. But I enjoyed it. I met a lot of people, made some new friends, and played some really hilarious rounds of Catchphrase...I realize I'm over-generalizing, but bear in mind, I have an entire week of college to get through. :)

Monday marked the start of classes. I found out the hard way that French 101 is complete immersion. Heh, but I think I'll trek through because I know I do not want to study Spanish again. I was probably one of the only freshman in the class, so it was on top of that extremely intimidating. I think I will enjoy my 18th and 19th Century Lit class even though it's starting out a little slow, the class is only around nine or so people. And my playwriting class is really funny. It reminded me of how much I missed having theatre people in my life and how I can't wait to stop being that quiet little freshman in the corner.

I had my first college nap. I think that's worth noting. Ha.

On Thursday a couple of friends and I decided to attend a Sorority Recruitment function. It meant free ice cream, so why not? I met a lot of girls from all three of Oglethorpe's sororities, all of whom were nice, inviting, and extremely talkative. I know they're supposed to be that way for potential recruits/pledges/sisters, but it convinced to me to at the least go through Formal Recruitment. That's an exciting possibility.

And the most important new detail of my new Oglethorpe life is that I was cast in the first show of the season! I'm starting where I left off last year: on the stage. We had our first read-through, and the show is hilarious. I'm so excited to start rehearsing for the show at the end of September.

Otherwise, I've been spending my time in good company. I've watched more horror movies in the past few days than I have before in my entire life. And I've seen what a real Frat Party is like...but we won't go into that too much. But now another movie party calls. Bien nuit, mis amis!

Don't you like my French rhyming skills?

Note: If it wasn't already obvious, this post took my four days to complete. I will try to get better at this.

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