Today is Christmas.
Or technically, yesterday was. I’m starting this at sixteen minutes past midnight, all safely locked away in my mess of a bedroom while the rest of the house lies in comfortable, silent sleep. I need to be more timely in my updates.
But back to my original point. Merry Christmas to those of you that celebrate it. I had a rather enjoyable day. Started out at 8:30 with present-opening. Then my family and I made the trek down to Montgomery to celebrate with my dad’s side of the family.
What I love about my family is how huge it is. My dad is one of six kids, and so on big holidays my grandmother’s tiny little house with one bathroom is filled to capacity with lots of loud, happy, talkative relatives who always need to catch up with everyone. On Christmas it’s especially fun, because that’s when literally all 30+ of us pile into that cramped little living room with two couches to open presents and it’s just a free-for-all. My life is so structured, it’s nice to just have someone yell “1-2-3 GO” and let the room turn into a mad celebration of wrapping paper and boxes. This year we added marshmallow guns.
So I guess I need to recount what I received: an old Polaroid instant camera with film, the complete works of William Shakespeare (minus the histories, but who reads those anyway?), the complete works of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger, The Importance of Being Earnest, and the complete three seasons of one of my all-time favorite shows Slings & Arrows. Then some sweaters. Nice sweaters, too.
Reflecting on that list I realize just how many books I now own. I should’ve noticed how large of a pile they’ve made at the foot of my bed. Very sizeable indeed. I fully plan on carting all of them back to Oglethorpe, even though I’ve run out of space on my bookshelf. Oh well.
I wish the holiday feeling would last forever. Not the holiday itself, just the feeling. Makes it easier to block out the things you dread to think about.
I’m getting into vague territory. Apologies.
I just don’t want life to be so complicated, to have my relationships shaded with grey. The world would be so much easier in black and white. But instead it’s blinding technicolor. I suppose I’ll just have to put on my big girl panties and deal with it like they say.
Them again. Why can’t they solve my problems? Because they just like to sit around and dictate to everyone else.
I hate to end on such a cynical note. My thoughts tend to be cynical and sarcastic no matter how happy I may be, and right now I would consider myself very content. I had a merry Christmas. I have lovely memories of my entire family watching me breakdance in an old lady costume on the TV. I have lovely text messages from my friends I can smile about. I have the Christmas spirit to spill over into this afternoon when I celebrate with my mom’s side of the family. Decidedly more tame, but just as fun. I love Christmas.