Saturday, April 30, 2011

tremble little lion man

I know I've been absent. Many apologies; life has been rather overwhelming these past two months. And now, I'm almost at the end of my fourth semester of college. Just one exam and two more papers to get through and it will officially be summer.

As of the moment, I'm watching Dexter and packing up my life into boxes. I've made a goal for myself that when I move back into the dorms come August, I will only have one car load of stuff...we'll see how well that goes. I'm currently transferring half of it into the apartment I'm sharing with a friend this summer - I'm living in it for another friend who won't be back until August, so it seems weird to me to completely take over what in my mind is not my personal space. It's strange, lying in a bed that's not mine looking at walls covered in Lady Gaga posters. Not that I'm complaining in the least; it's a nice apartment in a convenient location. Plus, being able to do my laundry at no cost is a relief.

Even once I finish up with academia, I really have less than a week to rest before my internship with Peachtree Publishers begins. I'm working as an editorial intern, and I'm really excited and nervous. This is potentially what I will be doing for the rest of my life. I've always been someone who likes to plan for the future, but this is daunting.

I'm halfway done with college and preparing for what will happen after. Ohmygoodness. I don't think I'm ready.